Posts tagged #France
My Day in Biarritz
The Afro wa out!
Château de Cadillac
Tour of the Palace
Day in PARIS
They removed my previous Love padlock on the Bridge….
Transitioning from the Island to Mainland France as a Language Assistant #2
On my first visit I discovered food in the market was more expensive than the supermarket however you can get non-food products i.e. shoes and clothes for cheaper prices.
Cheaper way to Travel to Paris | BUDGET
Let’s travel together!!
Transitioning from the Island to Mainland France as a Language Assistant #1
I am currently an English Language Assistant in Académie de Bordeaux – posted in Bayonne which is about a 2hr train-ride from Bordeaux train station.
My Corsican Journal – the stay #2
Day 2 (Friday) I woke up to a sore body, all the walking, dragging of my luggage from yesterday and the reality of a back fired trip all…
My Corsican Journal – Stranded at night #1
But one thing for sure, I knew I was stranded!