The Afro wa out!
Asian Restaurant in Bayonne
Night out…
A Visit to the Cadillac Palace (Château de Cadillac)
I had a short visit to Bordeaux not so long ago and good thing I carried my Educational Pass. The pass gives me free access to a long…
Château de Cadillac
Tour of the Palace
Day in PARIS
They removed my previous Love padlock on the Bridge….
Transitioning from the Island to Mainland France as a Language Assistant #2
On my first visit I discovered food in the market was more expensive than the supermarket however you can get non-food products i.e. shoes and clothes for cheaper prices.
Cheaper way to Travel to Paris | BUDGET
Let’s travel together!!
Transitioning from the Island to Mainland France as a Language Assistant #1
I am currently an English Language Assistant in Académie de Bordeaux – posted in Bayonne which is about a 2hr train-ride from Bordeaux train station.