My Paid Holidays in Reunion Island

Vacation time has forever been the best part of my job. Not only do you get time to decompress and just relax, but you’re paid to do it!!

#DearMyNextPotentialEmployer *wink*wink*

 I expected to have the same duration of holiday time or a bit of some similarities with the holidays in Guadeloupe but it was totally different. Link’s below;

Vacation – breaks in Guadeloupe
Vacation breaks in the Caribbean

The French academic year is planned in such a way that after an average of every 8weeks or so, there is a 2 week break. It goes on like this until the end of the school year in summer.

         –   Vacances 1ère Période 10th Oct – 25 Oct

I flew straight into holiday. I couldn’t have asked to do it any other way. I arrived on the island on the 18th and the holiday gave me enough time to relax and just sleep all the jet lag away.

I did a lot of sleeping and eating since I was also under quarantine.

        -Vacances Été Austral 19th Dec – 24th Jan; Solo Christmas

The long awaited holiday was finally here!! This was the summer period on this side.

I had no idea of what Christmas in the island looked like but I started getting a few clues by Christmas Eve. It was just past midnight and I was getting ready for bed, when suddenly the whole island became lit. There were fireworks everywhere. It was a sight to behold. From my window I could see the fireworks all the way up to the mountains. 

Earlier on I had attended mass which I don’t think my praises will do it any justice. The singing and ambience was just heavenly.

On Christmas Day, I noticed many people especially in church having worn red and white colored clothing. I spent the rest of the day eating, enjoying some good music and calling family and friends. It was my first Christmas alone and honestly I enjoyed the solo time.

Typical Christmas in Reunion. 

A typical Reunion Christmas on the 24th the family eats carri camarons or langouste bûche glacé pâte créole and litchis too. Alot of people block places on the beach but this year they were forbidden. There are lots of fireworks at midnight! For New Year it’s usually the same, people eat snails oysters and the foie gras.

I got to see most parts of the island which I’ll be showing you soon and the icing on the cake is I got to camp at the beach for the first time and chill in a hammock!

        -Vacances 3ème Période 6th March – 22nd March

Of all the holidays this was the one I was excited about. My finances were now looking more pleasant and allowed me to do a few interesting activities.

I did paragliding and you should watch out for that video. I will also do a blog and video about it with all the details. In the mean time enjoy the video;

I did my first official hike, 6hours to Mafate and I am feeling so proud of myself that my body wasn’t sore after.

There were so many firsts; I swam in the beautiful waterfall of Bassin Cormoran. 

Be sure the watch all the videos available here on the blog and on YouTube too 🙂

        -Vacances 4ème Période 4th May – 17th May

This vacation is to start on my second last day on the island. Here I am already preparing to head back to Kenya 🙁

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