My Weekly-Work Schedule in the Island

It’s about a month and some weeks since I started working and I am very excited that we’re just 18 days to the big Christmas break!! Stay tuned to find out how long it will be 🥳

In case you didn’t read my previous blog please do just to be in sync and to understand what’s happening in my current adventure books;

Also find the application link on the above link, the deadline is soon approaching.

I got to Reunion Island on the 18th of October slightly later than when my contract was to begin which was the 1st of October. Most language assistants, I included received our contracts late which led to the delay of the visa process but we’re here now. By the time I got to the island, the Académie de la Réunion had just finished its first week of the 2-week “Vacances 1ère Période”. This meant I’d use the second week of this holiday to do the mandatory 7-day quarantine and be ready to open school with the rest once the holiday was over.

I’ll talk about the holidays in another post, so don’t worry 🙂

I have found my schedule pretty much smooth and very accommodating. I work only on 3days a week for a total of 12hours. Plus the transport system is waaaay better than in Guadeloupe which is very relieving.                                                  ( )  The buses even on the mountains have a regular schedule that is followed I don’t know, yet, how transport is on the other parts of the island.

I work in 2 schools (middle school) ;Collège de Bourbon which is a few steps away from the city center in St. Denis, plus has a church next door which makes my heart so happy that I can always go in and out as I please for my quiet time 🙂 and Collège Mahé de La Bourdonnais in st. Clotilde , unlike in Guadeloupe where I worked 3. My students range from 10-15years (6éme -3éme) .The schools are both easily accessible by public transport.

     -Mondays – Collège Bourbon 

I start my day at 6am in order to make it to school before 7.30am. I normally leave the house together with my host since we work in neighboring schools. Trust me to be feeling sleepy by my first class haha, that’s how much I love to sleep. I carry a snack to take with my tea in the staff room, making good use of the vending machine that we have there. I do 5 hours starting from 7.30am until 4.15pm , with breaks in between with the longest one being my lunch break, from 11.30 am to 1pm. After school if I’m not meeting up with anyone I stroll to the bus stop through the city town or meet up with my host and head home together.

    -Tuesdays – Collège Mahé de La Bourdonnais

Tuesday is just that day for me. I start at 1pm to 4.15pm, depending if it’s week A or B, since week B I start at 10.40am with obvious breaks in between the longest one being 2 1/2 hrs for lunch. I’m currently leaving in st. François which requires me to make 2 bus trips to the collège, I wake up around 9am in order to be done and ready for the bus at 10.30am. I get to the school around noon , an hour early to just relax before I do my 3hours of class. I think with the bus commute and traffic, I’m usually exhausted when I get back home around 6.30 pm.

     -Thursdays – Collège Bourbon and Mahé de La Bourdonnais

I have 4hours on Thursday to complete the 12hours of the week. One hour , 8.30-9.30am, at Collège Bourbon and 3hrs in Collège Mahé, 1pm-4.15pm. This day also starts at 6am for me, I leave the house about 6.50am and I am in school by around 8am. I have my class and later kill time before my afternoon classes. The rest of the day is pretty much smooth, in the evening I take the bus home as I’m excited to start the long weekend. I get home around 6.30 pm :).

My amazing friend Sam put up a video to help you understand who a Language Assistant is;

Ps: Be sure to scroll down and follow me on my socials. Do not miss out on my fun videos and updates ☺️

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  1. Lisa C December 1, 2020 at 5:38 am

    Must be nice!!! I love your program🙃 What do you do on the other days?

    1. Belinda Addikah December 2, 2020 at 4:17 am

      I cook, eat, go be a tourist and sleep 😅 – Repeat

  2. Wamboi Seth December 1, 2020 at 8:20 am

    Insightful. Fun. Has love.

    The things I look for in a blog ☺️


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