Escapades of Zanzibar

The 7 o’clock ferry from Tanzania to Zanzibar did not know that we had a 3 hr sleep after forever hours on the road. Being the typical Kenyan time oriented a.k.a African timers we found ourselves running to catch the ferry.IMG-20180907-WA0043Trying to multitask between the running and carrying of our belongings was not easy hence when the men dressed in luminous green half coats came running to help we offered them our bags. Most of us thought that it was part of their culture to show hospitality to foreigners; little did we know we had to tip them at the end. Ask Ms Mitei, hahaha I can still remember her facial expression while she was asking me of the whereabouts of her bag, see her story

All that fiasco could not match up the free fresh air from the ocean, the breath taking view of the smooth waves as well as the dolphin that enjoyed our company.

The ferry too was not our normal Likoni type that we would scramble for air; it was well ventilated and was like a mini ship that one would easily doze off on its chairs. This was the 2018 edition of the African Christian Camp. Everything about it was exciting; from meeting new people to networking and most importantly learn new skills in facilitation and team building as well as make a Godly impact to the clients. The conference was engaging and fun too having Psalms 78:72 as the theme verse, with a reminder of being like David who used his Head, Heart and Hands to serve God.

Being in Zanzibar would be not complete without having a tour to the Spice Farm.IMG_1554 The farm has a rich historic background with most spices being medicinal. I never knew turmeric helped in preventing cancer as well as curing wounds alongside several others. Just a few meters away from the farm was the Coral Cavern Mangapwani which is a half lit cavern that boasts of 1 million plus years. IMG_1598It was interesting to learn that one would hear no sound in the cavern but the dipping of water and the soft stir of the wings of the bats that frequent the cavern.

On the other side of the cavern came the aroma of fried fish. They were slightly bigger than omena, well spiced and hot.  The fish came straight out of the bubbling hot oil into people’s watering mouths accompanied with the fried sweet potatoes and cassava that was also prepared on site. We spend a good amount of time just feeding our taste buds. The rest of the afternoon was spent walking around the market looking for souvenirs and more food 😉 appreciate the ancient beautiful buildings.

I enjoyed the ferry ride back to Tanzania. There were huge waves and it felt like a roller-coaster ride. IMG-20180911-WA0010The excitement was shared among the new pack of friends as we all captured the moments. The dolphin too made its appearance as on the other side we watched the sunset.

Officially Jet. Bus. Ship Lagged!!

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